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2017 Ar. Pe. Pe. Sassella Stella Retica

2017 Ar. Pe. Pe. Sassella Stella Retica

Regular price $64.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $64.00 USD
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Valtellina Superiore Sassella Stella Retica DOCG – it’s almost a tongue twister, but then so too is the first sip: tense enough to capture and still astonish you, yet smooth enough not to catch you unprepared. Long maceration can do wonders also for young wines, which year after year will amaze you with their innate ability to evolve. The correct ripening of the grapes means doing everything at exactly the right time, weather permitting. This means that grapes, even from the same vineyard, will always be the outcome of countless variables that people can only partly influence.

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